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qAJ }XL [-Q is the angle between the vectors, and n is the unit vector (vector with magnitude = 1) that is perpendicular (at 90 degrees to/ orthogonal to/ normal to) bothIn the calculus of variations, the Euler equation is a secondorder partial differential equation whose solutions are the functions for which a given functional is stationaryIt was developed by Swiss mathematician Leonhard Euler and Italian mathematician JosephLouis Lagrange in the 1750s Because a differentiable functional is stationary at its local extrema, the Euler–Lagrange equation
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Translingual ·The tenth letter of the basic modern Latin alphabet··(IPA) palatal approximant (pharmacy, obsolete) one ℥j one ounce (physics) imaginary unitPushdown Automata Definition A PDA P = ( Q,∑, , δ,q 0,Z 0,F ) Q states of the NFA ∑ input alphabet stack symbols δ transition function q 0 start state Z 0 Initial stack top s mbolInitial stack top symbol F Final/accepting states 3XV4 CHAPTER 15 THE HAMILTONIAN METHOD involve _qiq_jThese both pick up a factor of 2 (as either a 2 or a 1 1, as we just saw in the 2D case) in the sum P (@L=@q_i)_qi, thereby yielding 2TAs in the 1D case, time dependence in the relation between the Cartesian
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